Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Is Cold War really ended?

I don't know where this part is going to fit in my book. I have so many ideas and predictions that I don't know how to put them together. Will Hopefully I will find a place for everything.
After the collapse of Soviet Union, capitalist fundamentalists, the conservative wing of Global economy tried to make us believe the greatness of Ronald Regan's Ideas worked. The Berlin Wall teared down, communist countries one after other got liberated. And everything will be good . Evil powers and people will have no place in this world. The world will be a collection of those shiny cities on the hills. We tend to make heroes from people who in reality tie our hands from behind without us even sensing it. The big budget deficit that continued a dozen years later after Reagan left, show how much damaging that was to ordinary Americans life and deepening the gap between poor and rich in this country.
Anyways, why Soviet Union collapsed, what was the role of their own people in it, and how much damage the war in Afghanistan played a role in it. Its all debatable. It is not subject of this discussion. The point I want to make is about the future.
Is United States going to stay the only major superpower in the world? The short answer is No. By any mean of healthy thinking, it is not going to last.
Don't get me wrong. I love United States more than anybody I can imagine. The reason is simple. People who lived their for years, took everything for granted. Love during the years diminishes. It becomes part of your conscious that you are not aware of it anymore. For me, it is my new home for 20 years or so. Ever seen a new convert to another religion is usually far committed than the people who were practicing that religion for years? I am not talking about my religion because that.s I don't know if I have one. I just have my God. But my love to United State is my love for my country. I love where I was born and I love the US. Here is where my kids are born, raised, gave me joy, hope and home.
For what I am going to predict, is going to upset me as much as it upsets you.
Anyways back to the answer.
It is not conceivable that US is going to stay the only Super power. Not only that but I have doubts that stays major super power.
What I have seen in my crazy dreams which usually converts to reality. In tomorrow's world there is going to be new super power. Its not France, or Germany or Britain. They are too much connected to this one and put all their hopes in US.
Its not any Arabic country or Union of Arabic Countries or Iran or India. There never been an Arab Union and there never be. They have corrupt Kings and Sheik. There parents was hand picked by Britain and they always have something to fight between themselves.
China is going to get together with Russia is going to make a new alliance. Remember six, seven years ago we thought Russians are our friends now? Just to find out they can never, ever be trusted? They will always have the dream of old Russian Empire and the dream of Old Soviet Union which ruled half the world. For achieving that goal, the will cheat, lie, tell you they are your friends than stab you from the back etc. But this time they know they have no chance of ruling the world but Chinese do. Russia is only can contribute 15o million population and their troubled but huge arsenal of weapons and their spying techniques, to China's 1.5 billion strong nation. China has an economy that has tremendous capacity and a growth rate never seen before, around 11 top 12 percent per year now. Russia this time will be a great follower to China. They will provide them with techniques to fool the rest of the world and in return, live happily in the shadow of the giant.
So tomorrow world will be ruled by the union of Russia_ China as one power, while Russia will be a minority member of coalition that is just going to get paid for its services.
Scary but trough. Don't blame me for bad news. Its just tomorrow's reality. In my lifetime? Maybe not, in your maybe, who knows when but totally coming.

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